Welcome to the official website of the Nigeria High Commission in Ottawa, Canada.

Contact time
Gen: M-F 9:00-15:00 EST
Con: T-F 10:00-13:00 EST

December 13, 2021BY Abu Susan

Applicants who came to the Nigeria High Commission, Ottawa, between November 12th and November 24th can start tracking the movement of their document from Wednesday, December 15th.

Nigeria High Commission, Ottawa.

12th December 2021

  1. Agnes OmoSays

    3 years ago

    Hi Susan, I have left messages, sent emails and called and still no one has gotten back to me on why my mum's passport which she captured on November 2nd hasn't been sent and has no tracking information. At least an update should be sent or if there's an issue a follow up call should be done to let us know. Date of Capture: November 2, 2021 Name: Agnes Omeghe Omogbai Application Id: 18382100 Reference No: 1749391102

  2. Olusegun OkeSays

    3 years ago

    Hi Susan this is almost 9th attempts (through mail and comments) trying to get my concern across to the High Commission, regarding Passport renewal application that I did in Calgary June this year. I have still not received my passport. The best response I received from you is that I should send my details. Which I promptly did unfortunately I never hear from you again. I am pleading to you and /or any other High Commission staff who come across this comment to look into my concern. Thank you.

  3. AdeSays

    3 years ago

    Great job! I received my passport today. Was expecting it to take longer. For future applicants, please follow the instructions to the T.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      Thanks Ade.

  4. Stella ShaibuSays

    3 years ago

    I and my children arrived Nigerian High Commission in Ottawa on 3rd September, 2021 for our passport renewal appointments and biometric fingerprints. My last child biometric was inconclusive due to a scar in her hand received from burns injury as a baby. The passport personnel asked me to provide a doctors report attesting to the the scar in her hand to enable them adopt a fingerprint bypass. The information was provided to Nigeria High Commission on September 7th, 2021, which they have acknowledged. My child passport is still pending while the rest of the family have received their passports, Thank GOD. I have tried to contact the high commission on phone without success. My daughter has an old passport submitted with the application, i am not sure what is causing so much delays in her passport renewal. Please look into this matter, as I have no way of contacting the high commission and they are not picking up my phone calls.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      We will look into it.

  5. Esther EFUWAPESays

    3 years ago

    Hello Susan I am sending this yet again because I am getting no response and you guys are avoiding my inquiry. No one is saying anything about my old passport. I came for my passport renewal on July 23, 2021. However, Friday, Oct 1, I got a call from Nigeria high commission asking about my old passport and I informed the caller that I submitted all my documents. Later I got an email asking if I dropped my return envelope and if I came for change of name. I responded accordingly, I did submit my return envelop and did not apply for change of name I only came for passport renewal. I am asking that my old passport be kindly located and returned to me - I have now got the new passport but my old passport was not included. Please kindly provide my old passport. I have sent emails and made post here but no one is responding.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      Thanks for your patience. I will check again.

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