Welcome to the official website of the Nigeria High Commission in Ottawa, Canada.

Contact time
Gen: M-F 9:00-15:00 EST
Con: T-F 10:00-13:00 EST

February 10, 2022BY Abu Susan

The High Commissioner of Nigeria to Canada, H.E. Adeyinka Asekun, has secured a commitment from the Federal government of Nigeria for Canada to be accorded priority status in the rollout of the 10year validity E-passport for Nigerians in Canada.
High Commissioner Asekun gave the information in a video message from the Chancery’s communication series- “The High Commissioner’s desk.”
He adds that “anyone who does not have the National Identification Number (NIN) will not be eligible for the 10year validity passport. Watch the video for details.

  1. F.ESays

    3 years ago

    Hello, I just got my passport back but it's 32 pages instead of the 64 pages booklet I paid for. What do I do?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      Write to the Nigeria Immigration Service (innovate1pay) to request a refund of your money balance since what you got is 32 instead of 64pages.

  2. MonisolaSays

    3 years ago

    Good day, I have NIN from 2005 when it was first introduced is it valid for the 10 years passport.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      Please, check the list on our website for the NIN vendor in your province to find out.

  3. FokSays

    3 years ago

    Please, what would happen to Citizens that just renewed their passport recently and would like to upgrade to the 10 years validity passport?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      We are still preparing for the 10 year validity passport system.

  4. MoSays

    3 years ago

    Hello, please I would like to confirm, if I am applying for a passport renewal (change of name by marriage), am I paying just the $100 administrative fees or $150 (renewal $50 and change of data $100)? Also, am I still able to apply with the newspaper publication if I do not have a "Court affidavit of change of name via marriage"?, thank you.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      You have to pay $150. Come with the newspaper publication or court affidavit.

      1. MoSays

        3 years ago

        Thank you.

  5. MaryamSays

    3 years ago

    Hi Susan, I went to get my money order at the shoppers drug mart near me but they had an issue with touting the address into the machine. The commission couldn’t fit into it. Please what can we do please

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      I do not know how they wrote it. I got a money order for a family member today at Shoppers drug mart too, and this is what appeared: Nigeria High Commission, Ottawa.

  6. ChrisSays

    3 years ago

    Does the High Commission open to passport renewal applicants on Mondays? Thanks

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago


  7. EfemenaSays

    3 years ago

    Good day, Please can someone apply for the 10 year validity now? if no, when is the likely time it will start?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      No. We will post a new update when we are ready to start.

  8. GabrielSays

    3 years ago

    Hello, I intend scheduling passport renewal appointment for first week in May 2022. If the 10-year validity passport becomes operational then, will I be able to convert my application to the 10-year validity passport?

  9. AdekoyejoSays

    3 years ago

    Hi , I want to apply for my passport renewal. I will like the 10years validity passport but I dont see that option on your site. Kindly assist

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      We have not switched over. It is still work in progress.

  10. BolajiSays

    3 years ago

    Can I get one money order for a family of five($250) - instead of one order/person?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      Yes, Bolaji

  11. JohnSays

    3 years ago

    Hello Susan, How long is my NIS passport application fee valid for from the day of payment. Let say I put an application in on the NIS website since last year January and I haven’t been able to come to the embassy for Biometric. Can I still use the same NIS passport application or do i have to submit a new application and make new payment before coming to the embassy next week? Thanks

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      A year. But because of COVID-19, it may still be valid.

  12. BiolaSays

    3 years ago

    Dear Susan Can a Nigerian visitor to Canada renew his passport while in Canada? Passport due to expire in 6months

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      Yes Bola.

  13. DesmondSays

    3 years ago

    Hello, I applied for a fresh Nigerian passport on March 2022 but I have not received it? It has been over 6 weeks now. Will I get the 10 year validity passport I applied for? When will I get the passport? Sorry about the error in my initial message. Thanks for your help.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      Are you sure you applied in Ottawa? We have not commence processing of 10year validity passport. It is not on our website. 2. You said you applied in March 2022. March has 31 days. I cant see your date of capture. Always share comprehensive information if you want us to look into your case.

  14. AbdulSays

    3 years ago

    Is the NIN also compulsory if I want to get my passport renewed for just for years instead of 10?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      3 years ago

      For the 5year validity passport, you do not need NIN

  15. LaanuSays

    3 years ago

    I am unable to book an appointment because all the days are booked. My passport is soon to expire and will be rendered invalid and unable to travel with. Do you think I will be able to get an earlier appointment? If so, how do I go about it? Also, is the 10 year validity passport available now?

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