Welcome to the official website of the Nigeria High Commission in Ottawa, Canada.

Contact time
Gen: M-F 9:00-15:00 EST
Con: T-F 10:00-13:00 EST

August 24, 2022BY Abu Susan

Please, be informed that the Nigeria High Commission has mailed out passports for applicants who came to the High Commission on July 27th, 28th, 29th and August 1, 2nd and 3rd, 2022. Start tracking the movement of your document from August 29th, 2022. We will keep the production going and keep you informed.
August 24, 2022

  1. BlessingSays

    2 years ago

    I submitted my passport May 26th, I haven’t gotten it yet

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Send a detailed message with your application details to us via direct message on our Instagram page.

  2. JaphetSays

    2 years ago

    Please when will the second batch for those who came for the Newfoundland intervention in April be sent. It's been over 4 months?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      We are mailing as they treat each case.

  3. Sean FasoyiroSays

    2 years ago

    Good Afternoon, I hope you are well. My name is Sean Fasoyiro. I drove to the Nigeria High Commission Ottawa on July 26, 2022, from Toronto, Ontario with my brother, Dylan Fasoyiro, to get our Nigerian passports. I paid $200 for the ExpressPost to get my passport delivered in the mail in 2 weeks. My brother's passport arrived in the mail on 8/22/2022, in the same envelope that my passport was supposed to come in. My passport was not in the envelope. Per the website for the Nigeria High Comission of Ottawa, it states, "Yes, you may put multiple applications in one envelope. Please clip photos and ID to the appropriate application for ease of processing. You only need to pay the postage fee once as all applications will be returned together." I did this method and my passport was still not in the envelope delivered to my home. The only passport in the envelope was that of my brother, whose name is Dylan Fasoyiro. I am worried about where my passport is and how I am able to retrieve it. I have tried contacting the Nigeria High Commission Ottawa for many weeks now via phone and email and have not got any response. Can someone please inform me of how I can get my passport? I am starting to get very worried as I do not know what’s going on. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. Application ID: 18884472 Reference ID: 77416575784624 Regards, Sean Fasoyiro Phone: 832-277-0419 Email: seanfaso@gmail.com

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      We will look into it

  4. SakinahSays

    2 years ago

    Please I finished scheduling my in person interview and the system generated a PDF of the invitation letter which I have printed out. It says another letter was to be sent to my email address but I haven't received that and my appointment is for next week. So will I still be able to enter the chancery with the PDF print out showing my appointment time as it was generated by the system too?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago


  5. UchechiSays

    2 years ago

    Is NIN mandatory for passport renewal? And how can I book an appointment for biometric and capturing, been calling for days now but no one is answering the phone.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      At the moment, it is not. But subsequently when we commence the 10year validity passport, it will be required. Go online to the website, read and apply in the E-passport section applicable to you and pick your date of appointment on the calendar on the homepage.

  6. Victor OgbowuSays

    2 years ago

    Thanks for this update. However, my son's passport has not been received. His appointment with the High Commission was on 8th July. His name is Didikiye David Ogbowu

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Please call the office

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