Welcome to the official website of the Nigeria High Commission in Ottawa, Canada.

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Con: T-F 10:00-13:00 EST

October 24, 2022BY Abu Susan

The delay in producing passports for applicants who came to the Mission from August 29th -October 23rd, 2022, is due to the unavailability of booklets. We hope to receive booklets from Abuja by the end of the week to resume production.
OCTOBER 24TH, 2022

11 thoughts on “PUBLIC NOTICE!
  1. EmemSays

    2 years ago

    Thanks stich for this update. I have a question. When we receive our new passport, will we also receive the old one?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago


  2. ToluSays

    2 years ago

    Hi, thanks for the update. Just wondering if we would get email notifications when the passports have been dispatched or we have to keep coming to check on this webpage. Thank you

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Hello Tolu, if you check our previous updates here, you would have seen that we always post updates for particular dates when we produce the passports. We will continue when we receive booklets. You can also follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to see the same updates.

    2. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Yes. Or check any of our social mediaplatfoorms

  3. Kolawole ABRAHAMSays

    2 years ago

    Hello Susan, I am wondering if you have eventually collected passport booklets from Nigeria as you previously highlighled in this post. Please have you commenced production again? My trip to Nigeria is by next week.Thank you for the great work you do, even under a difficult situation.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      We have not received the booklets, unfortunately.

  4. DavidSays

    2 years ago

    Pls is there any updates on the booklets, how soon do you estimate to have our passports ready ?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      No updates at the moment.

  5. DavidSays

    2 years ago

    Waoo, Pls I have validity on my old booklet till January ending, can I have it picked up for an already arranged Dec travel?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Yes, you can. But return it to the Mission after your trip with a cover note stating your date of capture.

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