Welcome to the official website of the Nigeria High Commission in Ottawa, Canada.

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Gen: M-F 9:00-15:00 EST
Con: T-F 10:00-13:00 EST

November 30, 2022BY Abu Susan

Nigeria’s Minister of Interior, Ogebeni Rauf Aregbesola, has successfully launched the Enhanced 10-year biometric passport in Ottawa Canada.
The Comptroller-General of Immigration, Isah Jere Idris and senior officers from the Nigeria Immigration Service witnessed the event at the High Commission.
The High Commissioner of Nigeria to Canada, His Excellency Adeyinka Asekun, diplomats at the Chancery and some Nigerians in Canada also celebrated the historical event.

  1. ShafirSays

    2 years ago

    Can we start applying for it now?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago


    2. Olayinka MakanjuolaSays

      2 years ago

      Hello Susan, I have my appointment for January 2023. Do I need to do anything to get the 10 year validity passport? Or since it just launched, I will automatically get that? Kindly let me know the steps. Thanks for all you do.

      1. Abu SusanSays

        2 years ago

        It depends on the application form. If you filled the old one, you wont get the 10 year passport. The processes are different.

        1. OlayinkaSays

          2 years ago

          Thanks for your response. Please what’s the estimated wait time to get the passport back after the renewal? My appointment is for 18th but I need to travel by Feb. 14. Is there an expedited process to get it immediately ? And if not, what’s the wait time? This is just to help me plan ahead. Thanks a lot.

          1. Abu SusanSays

            2 years ago

            You get it before the end of January

  2. BenjaminSays

    2 years ago

    Yes, I drop my old passport, and thanks for your response.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Ok. Send your details and application ID/Reference number via DM to our Instagram page. We will look at it.

  3. Oluwafunnmilola KesaSays

    2 years ago

    Hi Susan, Thanks for this news about the 10-year biometric passport. I want to ask if it's possible to upgrade a recent application to the 10-year validity. For context, I recently applied for a 5-year biometric passport. I came to the Ottawa office on November 24th for biometrics capturing. Would it be possible to upgrade this application to a 10-year passport? Considering an upgrade would help save cost and enjoy the new security features of the 10-year passport. Thanks for your consideration. Funmi

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Unfortunately, you cannot upgrade to the 10 year validity passport. The processes are different.

      1. EstherSays

        2 years ago

        No 1:I will like to reschedule my appointment for passport renewal ,how do I do that No2:I am aware when I come for the capturing I would get my old passport but would I get it back though

        1. Abu SusanSays

          2 years ago

          1. We are fully booked. You cannot reschedule. You have to pick a new date. 2. Yes, we mail back both the old and new passport to you after canceling the data page on the old passport

  4. Tijani Nimota AdunolaSays

    2 years ago

    Hi Susan, thank you for the good work, please I will like to confirm if it's possible for me to get my passport by end of December 2022. I came in for capturing on November 17th. I have to travel to Nigeria the first week of January. I look forward to hearing from you. thank you for your time.

  5. Nkiru ObiSays

    2 years ago

    Hi Susan, I hope this mail finds you well. I am at the commission on the 30th of September. I would like to get the 10 years passport. My NIN is 24367037883. Kindly let me know if there is something else I can do. Thank you so much. Nkiru Lovelyn Obi

  6. Efemena OghenejakporSays

    2 years ago

    Hi Susan, Thanks for your prompt response. Please I already applied for the 5 years passport online and have an appointment date for December 25, 2022. Please I want to convert to a 10 years passport. So what can I do, can I apply afresh on the NIS website and pay for it? Also, can I process a refund for the earlier 5 years own I did? I do not care how long the refund will take. The goal is so long I get the 10 years because I am making a long journey from Nova Scotia to do this passport. Please help. Thanks

  7. Mr IsaSays

    2 years ago

    Please when is the next passport intervention taking place? Or is there any Nigeria liaison office in Edmonton were i can submit my passport for onward delivery to Ottawa because travelling to Ottawa with my family of( 5 )will cost me more than $3000 to renew passport, flight, hotel accommodation and so on....its very expensive to achieve this...is there anything that is been done to look into the suffering of Nigerians in other location far from Ottawa?....

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Please intervention is currently on hold. If your case is urgent, apply and come to Ottawa.

  8. BolaSays

    2 years ago

    Hello, I came for my passport renewal in November 8th,2022 .I was promised it will get to me in December before I travel but I am travelling next Sunday December 11. I had to purchase emergency travelling certificate. Now i am waiting for response . Please I need your help.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      It depends on when you applied for the ETC. It takes 10 business days to process. You passport will also get to you hopefully before your date of travel. We are currently printing all the backlog.

  9. Joyce Esenowo NneboSays

    2 years ago

    Hi Susan, Please can you advise me on the process for getting the new 10-year passport. I tried to fill out the information on innovate 1. In the Validity drop down, there is only 5 years there. I don't see 10 years.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Go back and check. You may be doing something differently. About 15 applicants came to our office today for capture and the all applied online for the 10-year passport.

  10. Ikwo NdiomuSays

    2 years ago

    Hi, I applied for passport renewals for myself and my children on October 21st but I see from the updates that your team hasn't started processing October passports. The problem is now I have to travel urgently in the week of December 12th and don't know how I can get my passport processed. I didn't think I would need an expedited passport. Can I make an expedited request even though it's already submitted? If so, how and can I do so without coming back to Ottawa as I live in another province.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Your passports will be ready next week. We are print all outstanding passports.


    2 years ago

    Hi Susan, Thanks for your prompt response. Please i applied for 5yrs passport already and have gotten a date for interview for mid January. Please what can i do to proceed for the 10years passport. I also have my NIN number too. Please what can i do to proceed Thanks

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      You can cancel and apply for the 10 year validity passport. However, I am not sure if innovate1pay will refund your money. But you can try.

  12. Ayinde SundaySays

    2 years ago

    Hi Abu, Well done for your excellent work. Please assist to confirm if the money order administrative fees is CAD or USD-denominated. Also, whether it is still $50 for Fresh or Renewal. Thank you

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Thanks Ayinde, It is $50 CAD for both fresh and renewal.

  13. Ayodeji AdeniranSays

    2 years ago

    Hi Susan, I have checked the https://portal.immigration.gov.ng/pages/welcome in order to apply for a Passport Renewal. However, there is no information on the Innovate 1 Service provider any information on how to apply for 10-YEAR BIOMETRIC PASSPORT. I only provides information for the 5-year passport validity. I do have my NIN though. Please, can you provide how to go about getting to where to apply for this 10-year biometric passport? Thank you in advance.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Refresh and go back to the page. Other applicants have been applying via the same link. We had over 20 applicants last Friday.

  14. OmoboladeSays

    2 years ago

    Hello, Please where can one find information regarding applying for the 10-year passport? I can't find it anywhere on this website

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      The information with all the details of payment can be found here on the website - the news update section but as usual applicants prefer to always ask than read- See the link and when you go there, please read carefully and apply https://portal.immigration.gov.ng

  15. Ikenna MbakweSays

    2 years ago

    Hi Susan, I and my family have an interview for a 5 year passport renewal in Ottawa next week. We don't have a NIN. Is that a problem? Should we get our NIN before coming for the interview? Thanks for your reply.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      If your application was done a few months ago, then your passport is still the old type. For that, you do not need NIN.

  16. Chidi SamuelSays

    2 years ago

    Please I do not have a NIN and all the dates for enrolment/capturing in my location are graded out till February 2023. Can I go ahead and apply without a NIN number or slip?

  17. JimSays

    2 years ago

    I'm tryn to book appointment online is not going to tru, can I walk in to the embassy for passport renewal

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      No sir, you cant walk-in. What is the problem? Others are booking on the same Immigration website

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