Welcome to the official website of the Nigeria High Commission in Ottawa, Canada.

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Gen: M-F 9:00-15:00 EST
Con: T-F 10:00-13:00 EST

December 22, 2022BY Abu Susan ( 20 ) Comment

Please, be informed that the Nigeria High Commission has mailed out passports for applicants who came to the High Commission from November 21 – December 14, 2022.

Start tracking the movement of your passport. We will keep the production going and keep you informed.


December 22, 2022

  1. Hello I was at your office October 21 and my passport was supposed to have been dispatched with your last batch i.e. December 9 communication . I am unable to track my passport and yet to receive it. Ki dly advise and assist. Thank you and happy holidays

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Happy Holidays, Paul. Please call the office when work resumes or email generalinquiries@nigeriahcottawa.ca

  2. Davidson, David A. O.Says

    2 years ago

    Good Morning, It is my pleasure to confirm that the EFFICIENCIES in the High Commission, especially the Consular Section and the Consular Secretary in particular has now reached 100+ percent. I have been visiting the High Commission since the time of Ambassador Attah through to our current, His Excellency Ambassador Adeyinka Asekun. Understandably, over the years, the learning curve has been steep and sometimes very difficult. However, I am so very impressed with the current processing of our Passport. As usual, there will always be detractors who are also fellow citizens for one reason or another, but this time, the service is IMPRESSIVE, accurate and very timely, and I am hoping my fellow citizens will try to understand that 'accuracy and patience' mostly wins and NOT constant bellicose. Thank you very much.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Thank you, Davidson.

  3. Uyinmwen Omo-AmadasunSays

    2 years ago

    Hello I was at the nigerian high commission on 06 December 2022 to renew my passport. I also submitted my old passport at the high commission in ottawa after capturing at the high commission.My application details are: Application ID: 19015727 Reference No. 72316690353298 Your website displays information regarding passport sent to the post for applicants that were at the high commission in ottawa between Nov 21st 2022 to December 14th 2022. Below is my tracking no: PG 643991701CA. I have used this no to track on the canada post website the tracking no does not display any results. Please could you confirm that my old passport and renewed assport has been sent to the post with the above tracking no. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Uyinmwen Omo-Amadasun

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Call the office when work resumes. The number to call is on the website.

  4. MayokunSays

    2 years ago

    Good day, I sent my passport back to your office using priority service because I needed it to fly. How do I confirm it was recieved

  5. OlaSays

    2 years ago

    Hello Abu Susan, Thank you for taking the time to respond to our questions/inquiries. I am filling out the standard Standard ePassport Application Form (online) for my one-year-old child. I noticed the application will only proceed with filling in the National Identity Number (NIN) as it is now a Compulsory field in the application form. For this reason, I enrolled him for the NIN registration at the Toronto center in December 2022. Unfortunately, they couldn't register a minor. Both parents have the NIN number, but he does not. Please, how can I go about his passport application in this case? I called the High Commission's phone number several times, but the phone line wasn't reachable. The family has an appointment for passport capturing in the last week of January 2023, and I really want to get his passport too. Thank you, and I look forward to your response.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      You need to get NIN for the minor. It is compulsory. Please get back to the Toronto centre, check our website for the latest update of centres.

      1. OlaSays

        2 years ago

        Thank you, Abu Susan, for your response. Okay. I will check back with the Toronto centre.

  6. AbiSays

    2 years ago

    It is so sad that I keep calling the number on the website and it says no one is available to pick my call. Why is the embassy never available. I came in on Dec 09 and I am yet to receive my passports. I am travelling in 7 days. I was told at the embassy that I will be receiving my passports before this day. This is totally unfair.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Please call the number on Monday next week or send an email to generalinquiries@nigeriahcottawa.ca

  7. SurajSays

    2 years ago

    Hello Susan, please help with my issue. My daughter did her data capture on Dec 8 2022 but her passport is yet to be issued because of payment confirmation problem. My understanding is that this type of issue is usually resolved within 24 hours but this is now almost 1 month. I have sent multiple emails to the general mail box but issue still not resolved . We planned to travel to Nigeria this January but the plans is no longer visible because her old passport is still with the embassy and new one is not issued. Application ID is - 19017280 and Reference No is 69016691690235. Please help much appreciated.

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Sorry about that. We will look into it.

  8. Onyeka ObodoekehSays

    2 years ago

    Good morning. I was at the Commission on October 24th for a renewal/change of name. There was a message on the 9th of December saying passports have been dispatched for those who came in between October 13th and November 18th, 2022. People commented on that post saying they had not received theirs and were advised to wait a couple more days. It has been almost a month since this message was sent out, and I have still not been able to track my envelope/envelope. I have called numerous times this week to no avail. No one picks the calls. Please advise. Application ID: 18980871 Reference ID: 79516657854188

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      The name change is done in Abuja, and it takes time. 'Please call the office for an update about your passport. The updates do not include those who applied for a name change.

  9. SeyiSays

    2 years ago

    I can for capturing December 22nd and am yet to receive any update on when to get it

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      Read the updates on the latest news section on the website.

  10. BrightSays

    2 years ago

    How long does a ten year passport take to be processed?

    1. Abu SusanSays

      2 years ago

      All passports take 3-4weeks to be processed, all things being equal.

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